Sunday, June 22, 2008

5 month old needs music to fall asleep

Hello friends and Happy June!
Alecia sent in a question regarding her 5 month old daughter (see comments for her post).
First of all Alecia, congratulations on your success with sleep training! It's not easy to do and I commend you for teaching your child a very important lesson.
Alecia's question is about using music to help her baby fall asleep. This has become part of her bed time routine and now Mom wants to know if she should wean her baby from it.
I don't generally use music for sleeping, although babies can be taught to fall asleep to just about anything. It's not necessarily a bad thing, just not what I teach.
From birth, I use a high quality white noise machine (available at for all naps and night time to help my babies fall asleep on their own. This is a sound that babies already know, from being in utero. It's part of the 5 S's from the Happiest Baby on the Block and is essential for soothing newborns and helping them sleep longer.
Because her daughter is no longer a newborn, I think the use of music is fine, although you may find that transitioning to white noise will work too and is useful long-term. I have many clients who, for the most part, wean their babies off the white noise and then just use it as a buffer to block out the door bell, barking dog, etc.
As long as your baby can put herself back to sleep during the night without music, it's fine to use it as part of your bed time routine. If she is not sleeping 10-12 hours without assistance, that's another story altogether!
To be clear, all people (including babies) wake, briefly, several times at night and put themselves back to sleep. Most have no recollection of these waking events. So, if your baby needs a little reassurance when going to bed, but then doesn't need to be soothed, fed or helped back to sleep for 10-12 hours, using a little Mozart won't hurt a thing. It's part of the routine you taught her! We all have a night time ritual, whether you know it or not. Babies are no different. They need consistency and predictability in their routine (day and night).
As for weaning, you can turn the volume down and use it for less time every 3-5 days. If her reaction is negative, go back to the previous setting. Whatever you do, don't replace the music with rocking, feeding or anything that requires your help. She's doing great - don't sabotage yourself or your darling daughter!
Keep up the good work, Alecia and keep us posted on your progress!
For more information or to schedule a consultation, please visit or call toll-free at (866) 432-BABY.
Best wishes for happy & healthy babies,


alecia said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks, Cortney!!! She has been sleeping around 9 hours a night. I am trying to increase that by using the schedule you suggested a couple of blog posts ago. It's going well so far, but it's only been 3 days. Since you say it is ok to use music, I am not going to wean her off the music until I can increase her night time sleep hours. Thanks for your help!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cortney,

I just wanted to tell you that we have been on the schedule you recommended a few blog posts ago and kept the music going (for now). She is doing so great! Her night time sleep has increased from 8-9 to 10-11 hours!!!

Thank you so much!!

P.S. I'm putting a link to your blog on my blog :)