Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Worried about SIDS?

Hello friends,
Most parents worry about SIDS. As an NCS and a devoted aunt, I too worry about it. I also worry about apnea, asphyxiation, and other sleep-related tragedies. 
As many parents probably do, I frequently check on the babies in my care, but as an extra layer of protection I also use a Babysense V infant movement monitor. It's the only product of it's kind that I use. 
Although the AAP discourages its use, I find that when you follow safe sleep guidelines and continue to supervise your baby, the use of the Babysense is perfectly fine. The monitor is a back up to attentive parenting, not a replacement.
Although it can't prevent a tragedy, it alerts parents and caregivers to act and does indeed save lives. If the baby stops moving (including breathing) for more than 20 seconds, a loud alarm sounds, prompting you to act. The sensor goes under the mattress and is very sensitive. Unlike other products, the Babysense is battery operated, so there is nothing plugged in to the wall that is also connected to the crib.
"False" alarms are non-existent, in my experience. When installed and used properly, it does its job and it puts my clients' minds at ease.
Make no mistake, using a movement monitor does not replace adult supervision and certainly doesn't give parents a license to break all the rules. It does, however, give you precious seconds to resuscitate and call 911. If you are a parent, grandparent, or caregiver, please take a CPR/First Aid class and post laminated CPR instructions in the nursery (I like to use the inside of the closet door).
Sleep safe and you'll rest well!

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